Thursday, November 28, 2019

Analysis of the Declaration of Independence Essays

Analysis of the Declaration of Independence Essays Analysis of the Declaration of Independence Paper Analysis of the Declaration of Independence Paper In his essay Politics and the English Language, George Orwell sets out specific and general standards for written English. These include avoiding idioms, metaphors, similes, long words, and foreign words (Orwell). However, there are even more rigid standards for political writing. According to Orwell, the vagueness and incompetence he illustrates with five different passages are especially prevalent in political writing. Unfortunately, they appear in the Declaration of Independence as well. As a result, the Declaration of Independence is a poor specimen according to Orwells standards. The vagueness is easy to spot from the beginning of the Declaration: When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Natures God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation (Declaration of Independence). As Orwell states regarding other political writing, there is a great lack of precision in this passage (Orwell). The phrases in the course of human events and among the powers of the earth are long and unnecessary. They do not add to the meaning of the passage, and they make it difficult to read and follow. In addition, the phrase and of Natures God seems redundant, since the prior phrase is the laws of Nature. Instead, the passage should read: When it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that â€Å"Analysis of the Declaration of Independence† â€Å"Page # 02† they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. Another imprecise passage is this one: Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed (Declaration of Independence). This passage is not vague. Rather, it simply contains comma-separated phrases that could be written in a better way, as in: Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes. And accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. In his essay Orwell warns against using phrases made up of nouns, verbs, and adjectives where a simple action verb will do (Orwell). The following example illustrates this concept: He has constrained our fellow Citizens taken Captive on the high Seas to bear Arms against their Country, to become the executioners of their friends and Brethren, or to fall themselves by their Hands (Declaration of Independence). The phrases that can be replaced by simpler verbs are: constrained, taken Captive, to become the executioners of their friends and Brethren, and to fall themselves by their hands. This passage could be re-written in the following way, keeping Orwells standards in mind: He has forced our fellow Citizens captured on the high Seas to bear Arms against â€Å"Analysis of the Declaration of Independence† â€Å"Page # 03† their Country, to execute their friends and Brethren, or to fall (or perish) by their Hands. ( In the passage above is also an example of using the passive voice unnecessarily, which is another no-no according to Orwell. The phrase is: by their hands. These words make it difficult to know who is killing whom. As a result, it would be better to omit the phrase entirely and instead write: friends and Brethren, or to fall (or perish) themselves. That anyone would criticize the well-known statement from the Declaration of Independence, all men are created equal, may seem strange. However, according to Orwells standards, there is indeed cause for questioning the word equal. Equal is one of the words Orwell describes as having numerous and variable meanings and is also one that is often used dishonestly (Orwell). Therefore, what the 13 states meant and what the king of England perceived were two different things. For example, because women couldnt vote until 1920, the states did not mean that all mankind is created equal. They indeed meant that all male people are created equal. However, the king did not know exactly what they meant, because the states hid behind the pretentious word equal. Orwell says political writing is not fresh and does not contain vivid speech. That is, there is no imagery; there are no idioms. Instead, political writers use long words where shorter ones would suffice, and these words cloud the writers meaning, making it unclear (Orwell). As a last example, read the following passage from the Declaration of Independence: -That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government â€Å"Analysis of the Declaration of Independence† â€Å"Page # 04† becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness (Declaration of Independence). Long, imprecise words used in this passage include: instituted, abolish, and destructive. Besides failing to state a clear meaning, these words create more syllables and less coherence, making the passage difficult to read, speak, and comprehend. This is another case in which, Orwell says, the meaning of the passage is hardly even known to its writer (Orwell). In conclusion, Orwells standards are clear about what makes good writing. Vivid imagery, preciseness, short words, everyday speech, and lack of foreign words are a few points. The Declaration of Independence breaks all of Orwells rules, without saying anything fresh or lasting. This is not to say that the Declaration of Independence is not an important piece of writing or that it has no historical value. That is far from the discussion here. What Orwells standards prove is simply that the Declaration of Independence contains vague, incompetent, and imprecise writing. â€Å"Analysis of the Declaration of Independence† Sources Declaration of Independence. Indiana Law. Indiana University School of Law- Bloomington. law. indiana. edu/uslawdocs/declaration. html (Dec 4 2006) Orwell, George. Politics and the English Language. 1946. (Dec 4 2006).

Monday, November 25, 2019

L.A essays

L.A essays Eduardo Galeanos Open Veins of Latin America looks at the political, economic and social history of Latin America. Mr. Galeano argues that the More Developed Countries played a main role in the Lesser Developed Country status Latin America has been accustomed to. Throughout the book he gives examples of how the M.D.C are responsible for the social hierarchy that has formed over generations. This hierarchy sees the peasants, who assemble the population, of this agriculturally abundant land starving while the few acquire riches and control the destiny of the land and its people. Galeano takes you through the history of Latin America from the discovery of this great land by Christopher Columbus to the 1970s. He will argue that the riches of the land have bonded the people of the Americas to poverty and suffering. The invasion of Latin America first began with Spain and Portugal in the 1500s, than gave way to Britain in the 1800s and finally ended in the hands of the United States in the 20th Century. Its has seen political and economic power concentrated in a few, instituted by the ones that colonized, that do not have the peoples best wishes in mind. Instead, their main goal was to acquire riches for themselves and more importantly for their country. Spain was the first to plague Latin America. They did not colonize to help the indigenous people increase their standard of living; instead they colonized to plunder the land of its natural riches to be exported back to Spain and pushed the native population into an era of oppression. It first started with the extortion of the natural minerals that were so abundant throughout Latin America and the enslavement of its native population. That eventually opened the doors for sugar, cotton, coffee, and other agriculturally grown products to be harvested and exported. The lands of Latin America have served the purposes of other countries ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Hyperinflation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Hyperinflation - Research Paper Example (Swanson, 2004) Examples of the Hyperinflation Phenomenon If this definition of hyperinflation by economists is anything to go by, then any commodity which has a price of USD1 at the starting of the year would cost USD130 at the setting in of the following year. It (hyperinflation) was to a big extent a common occurrence in the 20th Century. This was mostly after the Great War and the Second World War. The main hyperinflation that has drawn the attention of most scholars for the purposes of studying is that which occurred in Germany in years 1922-1923. In November year 1923, the price index, using August 1922 as the base period, was 1.02*1010. This translated would result to an average of 322% inflation per month. This hyperinflation persisted for about 16 months. Besides the case of Germany, there was an even more serious case of hyperinflation subsequent to the WWII. Precisely, it occurred from August year 1945 through July 1946 and the general price level escalated at an alarming rate of approximately 19,000% per month. Causes of Hyperinflation In spite the fact that hyperinflation can be blamed on the shocks that had just happened just before these two aforementioned countries, no single shock can explain it all in spite of how severe it is. One shock like that of WWII cannot grant a sustainable answer as to why hyperinflation would continuously grow rapidly for a while. In other words the hyperinflationary phenomena witnessed in Hungary and Germany could not have been caused by the world wars. Causes of hyperinflation are explained by one major factor, a rapid increase in the paper money supply. This is usually common after the fiscal and monetary policies’ implementing authorities of a country make regular issuance of huge quantities of money so as to pay a big spending that the government may have incurred. Due to the issuance of currencies by these authorities it leads to a kind of inflation of taxation where government makes gains at the expense of those people who hold money while the value of this money decreases. Therefore, hyperinflation signifies very big schemes of taxation. Explaining this phenomenon of the economy using the economies of Hungary and Germany the findings are as stated. When Hungary was facing hyperinflation, the money supply that was done made a money supply rise of 1.19*1025. On the other hand, in the German case the amount of money in circulation rose by 7.32*109. While compared with the price levels’ rise earlier, the figures of money growth supply were smaller. The difference in the money supply growth and price levels rise can be explained to be due to the concept known as real money quantity. This real money quantity concept seeks to explain what the situation where persons exhibit the behavior of holding money as prices rise in rapid manners shows inflation. The real money quantity, which is also known as the purchasing power of money is that ratio between the money held and the level o f prices. Making an assumption that a given family consumes a given bundle of commodities, the real money value is that bundle which the money that they hold can purchase. In the time periods when inflation is at low levels, then that family will have a retention of the real value of their money that they hold- which is very convenient. On the contrary, if there is a high inflation, a family will be maintaining a

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Electro-Magnetic Wave Propagation for the course Propagation and Research Paper

Electro-Magnetic Wave Propagation for the course Propagation and Antennas - Research Paper Example This paper discuss the properties of waves during propagation. I. Introduction Electromagnetic radiation otherwise abbreviated as EMR refers to forms of energy which are produced by oscillating magnetic and electric disturbances or by movement of electrically charged particles travelling through matter or a vacuum [1]. Electromagnetic Radiation is in the forms of waves. These waves include: Radio Waves, Microwaves, Infrared, X- rays and Gamma-rays [1]. The magnetic and electric fields resulting in the electromagnetic waves interact by coming together at right angles to each other and these combined waves move perpendicular to both electric and magnetic oscillating fields and as a result, the disturbance is caused [2]. The resulting electron radiation is released in bundles of light energy which travel at a speed of 299Â  792Â  458 m / s, equivalent to the speed of light, as quantized harmonic waves. These electromagnetic waves are grouped according to their wavelength and these res ults in the electromagnetic spectrum [3]. The resultant magnetic and electric waves move perpendicularly to each other having certain characteristics which are Amplitude, frequency and wavelength [2]. From the origin of the electromagnetic wave, it is propagated outwards in all directions however depending on the type of medium in which it is travelling [2]. For instance if its air, the wave spreads out in a uniform manner in all directions in the medium [4]. After the wave has moved far from its origin, the wave is considered to have spread enough and it appears as though it has it has the same amplitude everywhere which is perpendicular to its direction of flow [4]. And this results in a plane wave. The electromagnetic wave’s speed is equivalent to light speed in a vacuum. When the waves travel in other medium such as water air, and glass, the speed is slower as compared to that in a vacuum [4]. Characteristics of these electromagnetic waves during propagation include; II. Interference This is the process in which two waves superposes to form one resultant wave. For interference to occur, the source of the waves must be coherent [5]. If two electromagnetic waves having the same frequency get together i.e. they superpose, it results into a wave which has the resultant magnetic and electric field strength equal to the sum of fields of the two waves [5]. When two strong waves moving that have their fields moving in one direction, i.e. same direction in time and space, the resulting waveform is twice that of each individual waveform. This results in constructive interference. However, the superposition of a wave having an electric field in one direction in space and with another electromagnetic radiation wave which has the same frequency but with an electric field in the opposite direction in space and time results in cancellation and a result, there is no formation of a waveform [6]. This implies that the two waves are not in phase. The resultant effect is termed as destructive interference. In summary, superposition of wave’s results in destructive, constructive or partial interference considering the magnitude of the waves being superposed [1]. III. Reflection During the transit of electromagnetic wave from one medium into another, and the two media having different refractive index, the speed of the wave changes the transmitted is made to change

Monday, November 18, 2019

What is the role of sonication during protein extraction Assignment

What is the role of sonication during protein extraction - Assignment Example Sonication plays a role in the process of protein extraction. A sonicator, which is an ultrasonic device, helps grind samples that contain the protein. This initiates the sonication process. Sound waves that contain high intensity produced in the process of sonication disrupt cells. This in turn facilitates the extraction of protein from the cells and tissues after breaking open (Emily, 2012, 5). A sonicator consists of two tips of different sizes. The variation in tips creates diversity in the grounding of samples regardless of their amount. Large samples are ground in tubes with wide mouths while smaller samples are ground in eppendorfs. According to the Journal of Theoretical Biology, the process of sonication produces different efficiency levels (Journal of Theoretical Biology, 2012, 76) There is more resistance to the process by cell walls as compared to cell membrane. To tackle this, the samples with cell walls become flash frozen. This facilitates sonication. In conclusion, the process of sonication becomes essential in protein extraction. It is a mechanical method. Complemented by other chemical procedure of protein extraction, sonication allows the cells to break open and protein extracted from them by use of high intensity

Friday, November 15, 2019

Learning Styles For Student Nurses

Learning Styles For Student Nurses This assignment will be discussing on why it is believed that learning styles are useful to student nurses. In addition, it will focus on the students dominant learning style, acknowledging her own strengths and weaknesses, identifying areas where it is necessary to improve her weaker style and how these can be built on for the future. Kolbs (1984), Experiential learning model defines learning as the process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experience (p.26). Fleming (2001) defines learning style as an individuals characteristics and preferred ways of gathering, organizing, and thinking about information (p.1). According to Honey and Mumford learning styles (2006), we are all the product of our own learning, including everything we know, everything we do, everything we believe and everything we have learnt. Learning styles can be defined as a process where each person has different learning styles and method in which they learn. This depends on who and the type of learning they are. Everyone has different personalities and preferences on their likes and dislikes. Some people also tend to have different learning steps that act as guidelines to their personal learning style. Once student nurses have an idea on their learning style preferences, they will find it much easier to make some important decisions and choices for themselves. Indeed, Honey (2006) stated that learning styles preferences can be a revelation. The understanding of learning styles will be useful to student nurses because it allows student nurses to have a better chance of overcoming any difficult situation. Having a good understanding of how we learn can help us make smarter choices (Bishop, Bixby, Kravits et al, 1999). Understanding of learning styles will be useful for student nurses as it allows them to be successful on their nursing programme because knowing how they learn will significantly increase their chances of securing the best possible environment necessary for efficient work being carried out amongst members of the team. Some studies suggest that identification of learning strategies best suited for different learning styles may increase the learning effectiveness of each individual student and will increase student adaptive flexibility to alter their learning styles to respond to the learning demand of specific environment Carnell et al, 2000). In addition, an understanding of learning styles will allow student nurses to effectively target areas where an improvement is required. Duff (2004) suggests that: Students with a preference for a deep approach to studying as individuals who look for meaning in what they are learning and enjoy the learning activity; make connections to previous learning; use logic, reasoning, and evidence well; and examine critically what they have learned and are learning. (p.56). Student nurses with a preference will enjoy studying and organising their routines and managing their time in order for them to reach their highest grade possible. Understanding of learning styles will be useful to student nurses as it would help them identify the flaws present in their learning style. When they are able to recognise their learning style, it allows them to develop effective and appropriate skills amongst each other. Knowing their learning opportunities and the way which they learn best will make learning easier, more effective and more enjoyable. It saves them Tackling their learning on a hit and miss basis When they are equipped with different ideas and information about their learning preferences it will allow them to have more hits and fewer misses (Honey, 2006). When they acquire enough information about their learning styles, it enables them to locate areas that are harder and tricky to navigate for themselves. Understanding of their learning styles as a student nurse will improve their self-confidence and improve their self-image. Knowing their learning style as a student nurse will give them insight on their strengths and weakness and will enable them to enjoy their learning process. According to Heffler (2001), the individual learning has both strengths and weaknesses depending on what is to be learnt and how (p.307-316). Understanding of their learning styles will enable them to stay up to date professionally and help improve co-operation among their colleagues. Furthermore, understanding each style has an advantage and disadvantage. Knowing their learning styles will expand them as a person and help them to work and learn more effectively and more efficiently. Understanding of learning styles as a student nurse will let them learn their way through their own best strategies. We all have different personalities, so everyone has different ways of learning. We do not usually choose the type of activities that best suits us because we are unaware that some methods suit us and some do not (Jasper, 2003). According to Jasper (2003) Most of the learning that we are aware takes place in a formal learning situation where teaching and learning methods are not chosen by us but are imposed by other such as teachers, mentors and lecturers (p.44) My own dominant traits found from my Honey (2006) questionnaire includes; reflector, theorist and pragmatist. No-one learns completely in just one style, we all tend to fall under the one descriptor and borrow characteristics from the others (Kolb 1984). Gaining awareness in ways I learn best will be useful for me and will help me learn effectively in a way that suits me. Students with a preference for a strategic approach to studying want to organize their studying routines, manage their time, and learn what is expected to achieve the highest grade possible. (Duff 2004, P. 56-72). As a reflector, when with a group of friends, I listen to their opinions and apply my own understanding to the discussion before putting points across to other people to hear. I always prefer to take a thoughtful approach in whatever I have been told through using different perspectives. When I have been corrected about something, I always like to make decisions in my own time. At the end of the day, I always have the opportunity to think about what has happened throughout my day, what I have learned and what I could have done better. Although I generally have the opportunity to reflect on what has happened and how I could improve it, I am sometimes forced into situations that involve taking action without planning. For example, in the first day of my clinical placement, I was asked by one of the staff nurses to wash the patient, which I found quite difficult as I did not have much experience in that. As a theorist, Reflecting back on my past experience, I feel hesitant contributing to group work due to lack of confidence which then reflect in my work because when given an assignment, I tend to rush through them without planning and I struggle with time management. When given any tasks to carry out, I always ensure that I think through them step by step. I am quite good at asking probing questions for example what exactly do you mean by that. During my placement, when working with my mentor I discovered that I always ask the same questions repeatedly which got my mentor frustrated at times. I always find myself with people who ask searching questions. Also, I create time to explore the association and inter-relationships between ideas, events and situations. However, I feel uncomfortable with subjective matter and my approach to problems is always logical. I tend to be detached and dedicated to logical objectivity rather than anything subjective and often take unnecessary risks when doing things. I feel out of tune with other participant for example when I am with a lot of activists. As a pragmatist, during my placement, I observed how staff nurses worked in practice through ensuring providing good quality of care for the patient. All I learnt from my placement, I always ensure that I give myself an opportunity to try out what I have learnt and concentrating on the practical issues such as action plans. I am more comfortable in learning from a demonstration by someone showing me how it can be done. On the other hand, I am not very interested in theory or basics principles and tend to focus on tasks, instead of people which have made me impatient during any discussion with people. Although, I test things out in practice but I am likely to reject things without obvious application and I involve myself in unstructured activities where uncertainty is high. Knowing my own dominant learning has helped me recognise that other people approaches the same situation in a complete different way from me and this has helped me access the ability to learn from experiences. David Kolb (1984). Reflecting back on the feedback from Honey (2006) questionnaire, I realised that my score for activist is low so In order to strengthen my Activist style, according to Argyris (1962 emphasizing the process of how to learn, how to diagnose administrative situations, how to learn from experience- these are timeless wisdom (p.101-433). I will need to ensure that I learn from other peoples experience rather than just focusing on my own experience. This will benefit me as it would reduce the risk of making mistakes. To strengthen my activist style, I will experiment and involve myself with new and unfamiliar routines. I will involve myself more into conversations with other people, getting ideas off them and working as a team to solve problems. To strengthen my activist style, I will learn from new experiences opportunities and throw myself into tasks I think are difficult and challenging. Also, to strengthen my activist style, involve myself in more activities that require activists characteristics and ways of learning such as participating in situations emphasising emotions and feelings and listening more and reading about different ideas that emphasise logic. In conclusion, I have gained awareness about the ways in which I approach life, my attitude, beliefs and how I will use all these to exploit my learning opportunities throughout my course. Having recognised, explored on my previous experience, my own characteristics and approaches to life I can be able to actively plan to build up in succeeding on my course and while out in practice.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Young Lonigan by James T. Farrell :: Young Lonigan James Farrell Essays

Young Lonigan by James T. Farrell "After they had left the parlor, Studs sat by the window. He looked out, watching the night strangeness, listening. The darkness was over everything like a warm bed-cover, and all the little sounds of night seemed to him as if they belonged to some great mystery. He listened to the wind in the tree by the window. The street was queer, and didn’t seem at all like Wabash Avenue. He watched a man pass, his heels beating a monotonous echo. Studs imagined him to be some criminal being pursued by a detective like Maurice Costello, who used to act detective parts for Vitagraph. He watched. He thought of Lucy on the street and himself bravely rescuing her from horrors more terrible than he could imagine." (Young Lonigan, 62) Studs Lonigan lives in a different world from those around him. Chicago exists as different set of sensations for Studs, who communes with his environment in a language foreign to the masses. The heat and hardness of day are replaced by the creeping and overwhelming softness of the Chicago night; it pushes the toughness out of his body, eliminates the immediacy of things and dulls the viciousness of life as an Irish boy without a future. Farrell writes Studs as a contemplative soul who verges on artistic sensitivity. When he examines his environment he is lost its texture and physical existence. He simply does not belong to the city the way it owns the community, the â€Å"people that lived, worked, suffered, procreated, aspired, filled out their little days, and died† (Young Lonigan, 147). By nature Studs cannot accept the authority or possessiveness of the city, but he is incapable of escape. It is as much a part of him as he is of it; there is a symbiosis at work in Young Lonigan that depends very deeply upon the moments Studs shares with the fading day. Darkness provides us a view of Studs’ psyche that is intensely personal and crucial to understanding him as not only a character, but a representation of a developing personality and moral code. When darkness appears Studs is more vulnerable to both his hopes and his fears. At times he is overcome by visions of pain and hellfire; he is wracked by his Catholic guilt and a perceived lack of purity. â€Å"He puffed and looked about the dark and lonely place.